Luz Casanova

Saturday, January 8, 2011


To know more Luz Casanova

Luz Casanova was born August 28 of 1.873, in Aviles (Asturias) in a family of the aristocracy, and his father who was A Civil Governor of Oviedo died when Luz was five years old. It was educated from girl, to reproduce the social schemes of his class, to form a part of his elite, answering this way to the expectations of his world, but across his grandfather Jose, worried by the living conditions of the poor, which were calling to his door asking for food, it was opened little by little, a split in the "select" education of Luz, where other sounds were slipping past, musical others …

In 1885, his mother, Marquesa de Onteiro, it decides to move definitively to Madrid for attending better to the education of his children, and is in Madrid where Light wakes up to the call.


Luz Casanova perceive " these ripples ":
Those that malviven and they resist in the gutters and the margins.
The children in the street, without schools.
Hungry and sick in the city.
The excluded ones from the right to the bread, to the culture, to the ceiling, to the participation, to the health, the right to "the life and the life galore ".

During more than twenty years, since secular, she lived in search.

In her years of youth, Luz Caasanova  has an intense interior life and of tireless apostolate, in the margins of the city, is led with other women, with whom it has gone being for the way turning into a WOMAN APOSTLE.

Luz Casanova was taking everything to the prayer and was putting insistence in contemplating the daily thing with entrails of Mercy.

From his first raids for the marginal neighborhoods of Madrid, Luz Casanova realizes that "the dream of the love" in the one that wants to embark his life, cannot be a solitary adventure, but a collective adventure.

The fire that was burning in Luz's heart provoked a rain of contagious sparks: Other persons, principally women felt also called by this project of "Bringing over to the poor to the Holy Table " of to divide and to distribute the bread of his lives with them, from a simple, risky, trusting and creative style, ado law that "the interior law of the charity ".

LUZ CASANOVA dies On January 8 of 1.949.